
Wellness Tools and Useful Knowledge

A woman smiles as she looks at the couple sitting across from them. This represents couples therapy in Pasadena, CA and couples therapy in Sacramento, CA. Contact a couples therapist in Pasadena, CA to learn about marriage counseling and other services.

What’s Couples Therapy Like?

Inside a Real Couples Therapy Session What is couples therapy like?  What happens in couples therapy?  I get questions like these all the time. Today, I give you a glimpse inside my couples therapy office in Pasadena, CA. Meet Marina

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How To Talk To Your Partner About Couples Therapy

It’s a difficult discussion to have. No doubt. You’re not happy. You think they’re not happy. Something isn’t working. And you know that doing some couples therapy would probably really help. But you have a hunch they are not on

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A middle aged couple hold hands as they walk along the beach. This symbolizes the benefits of couples therapy and marriage counseling in Pasadena, CA. Contact a marriage counselor to learn more about marriage counseling in Pasadena, CA for support! 91101 | 95814 | 95688 | 95765

3 Signs It’s Time to Start Couples Therapy

Relationships are hard. There is no way around it. Even the best couples struggle with a wide range of issues from time to time. Often, it just takes some slowing down, paying attention, really listening and compromise to smooth things

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